
University City Chinese Christian Church



   赞美敬拜    …………………… 会  众
   证    道    ……………………    
   题    目:  受洗的意义
   经    文:  罗马书6:1-11
   欢迎报告祷告  ………………… 梁中杰
   敬拜带领:  刘燕然
   敬    拜:  王雪 谢嘉铭 刘黎
   司    琴: 
   司    事:  陈天阳 董楠 孟晗




教会同工:梁中杰牧师, 何蕙青传道(Helen Liang), 王乾传道
教会地址:4501 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19139

 【欢迎】欢迎来到这里的新朋友,期待更多地认识你,与你成为朋友; 让我们一起分享神的话语和祝福,数算神丰盛的恩典


  1. 圣诞将至,基督教会每年以此节日,记念圣子主耶稣的降生。耶稣为拯救世人而生。他的降生关乎万民,是大喜的消息。愿基督徒在这个节日能够更加思想救主降生的意义,也求神吸引和带领更多朋友透过这个节日听到福音,认识神的救恩。
  2. 感谢神,今天有8位弟兄姐妹受洗归入主的名下,他们是:张春华,孔晶,胡文俊,俞益,赵一达,邓子泠,王芾,程建山,求神坚固他们的信心,保守他们走十架道路。也欢迎10位转会籍加入教会的弟兄姐妹:沈翰飞,张森,张怡然,李雪莹,潘玛丽,史哲,刘恋,吴睿,秦孟立,黄倩。盼望一起在主里同心服事建造,荣耀主名。
  3. 为教会的婴儿事工祷告,求神带领负责的同工,在服事中更深见证神的福音和能力。
  4. 求神激励更多的弟兄姐妹委身参加教会祷告会,明白祷告的意义。
  5. 感谢神,教会的5年认捐筹款计划结束,感谢神在这五年的保守和供应,还有很多原先没有在认捐计划中的弟兄姐妹参与。目前教会实际收到的认捐总额,比5年前建堂承诺认捐约有20%的欠缺。请弟兄姐妹继续为教会的需要(90万的贷款)和前面的发展祷告。
  6. 随着各项事工发展,教会需要更多场地。从明年1月1日起,教会将收回二楼的三个房间供教会事工使用。求神保守新场地的装修以及后续的顺利使用。
  7. 为宣教士龙飞和Joy,赵刚和法芸,Henry祷告。为在外州服事的Sally、Ben & Rose、以及王师一家祷告。
  8. 继续新当选的川普总统祷告求神给他真正悔改的心,顺服上帝的旨意,及智慧的心,以合神心意的方式治理国家。


  1. 为仁爱组各位长辈的身体健康祷告。
  2. 为怀孕的姐妹祷告,求神保守胎儿和母亲的身体健康。。
  3. 为在找工作的弟兄姐妹祷告。求神坚固他们的信心,为他们开道路.             ***基于尊重个人空间的考虑,关于个人的感恩和代祷事项,已略去,敬请大家谅解。***  


   期 圣经章节   期 圣经章节
12/18 (周日) 完成落下部分 12/22 (周四) 完成落下部分
12/19 (周一) 完成落下部分 12/23 (周五) 完成落下部分
12/20 (周二) 完成落下部分 12/24 (周六) 完成落下部分
12/21 (周三) 完成落下部分    下周 完成落下部分


  1. 本周六(12/24平安夜)晚上在Grace Chapel将举办圣诞烛光音乐会,活动包括烛火传承、圣诞诗歌等。届时会有几百人一起点燃蜡烛并传承烛火,更让人感受到主耶稣的降生如同黑暗中的光亮带我们出黑暗入光明。活动分两场,分别为晚上5点和7点,请各团契小组自行选择时段,组织参加。
  2. 因本周六晚平安夜的烛光活动故周五团契取消一次
  3. 今天主日崇拜后安排洗礼见证,所有主日学暂停一次。
  4. 因圣诞和新年假期的缘故教会英文班暂停两周,1月3日(周二)重新开课。
  5. 昨日教会圣诞节的布置,为参与的弟兄姐妹的爱心事奉感谢神。
  6. 由使者机构主办的第12届美东华人差传大会将在12/27-31在巴尔的摩举行。目前仍接收报名。有意者请和谢大伟或金磊联系。
  7. 为安全起见,禁止孩童在教堂奔跑或擅自开门出去。若发现,请大家主动阻止。保护教会和孩童安全,是我们每个人的责任。
  8. 请弟兄姐妹准时参加主日敬拜,先到者尽量往前往中间坐,以便后来的人能尽快坐下。教会规定崇拜时不能带饮料进入大厅,请大家将手机拨到静音或关机,以便专心敬拜神。
  9. 全教会祷告会于周日上午9:00-9:40 AM在大堂进行。鼓励弟兄姐妹特别是同工们参加,此时间段请不要安排任何会议或事工。
  10. 12/11 主日崇拜人数:成人:175,儿童:31;


  1. 今日各项事工人员:


    小班 (3-5岁):
    张天翊 王传松
    圣经:  沈娇
    助手: 梁东明
    庄程伟 刘茜宇
    吴去非 刘黎
    欢迎新朋友:高倚云 刘燕然 数点奉献:陈玲萍 任跃
    后勤1: 方舟组做饭,分饭菜,垃圾处理,清洁厨房饭厅地面) 后勤2: 盐光组(分饭菜,清洗餐具)
    后勤负责:梁东明 长辈接送:佳音组(x2)




    小班 (3-5岁):
    胡瑰 赵恢武
    圣经:  崔爽
    助手: 崔爽
    王雪 张冉
    董楠 王芬芬
    欢迎新朋友:高倚云 刘燕然 数点奉献:陈璐 俞薇
    后勤1: 盐光组做饭,分饭菜,垃圾处理,清洁厨房饭厅地面) 后勤2: 慕溪组分饭菜,清洗餐具)
    后勤负责:羡涛 长辈接送:感恩组(x2) 


                    UC 2016年8月洗礼见证系列


I was born into a middle class family in Shanghai but was later moved to Fuzhou with my grandparents who would have considered even the thought of a God impossible. It was not until I traveled to America and met a man who changed my life that I was introduced to God. Then here, in America, that man slowly began a messenger of the good news of God. At first, when I was still young, I never understood what he truly meant when he preached, I only had the knowledge of the Lord in my brain, but not the grace of God in my heart. Heck, I crossed a tunnel a child was never supposed to cross and came out the other side completely unscathed, physically and mentally.

However, one fateful night in bed, this man warned me of the mystery of the future. He said “You may never know what the future may hold for you. You may die tomorrow, or Jesus Christ may descend from the heavens in the final act of judgment. And if you haven’t yet believed, then what are going to do? It will have been far too late by then. After you are cast into the fiery depths of hell, there will be no return. But there is still time, so take this night to confess your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your savior so that you may dine with me in the realm of God.” (Okay, so maybe I overdramatized this a little bit, but it was pretty much the same premises). From that night on, nothing was the same.

 When I was still in Fuzhou, I used to get into countless fistfights with my fellow kindergarteners, but in eighth grade, my friend told me that I was one of the calmest people he had ever met in his entire life. Another time, when I was with my youth group talking and having fun, one of my friends brought up a time when I got angry at her, but another one of my friends backed me up by exclaiming that he had only seen me get truly angry a few times for as long as he’s known me. Even my perspective on death changed. Before I had known God, I used to think of what death was like (to me): a pitch black limbo of nothingness with darkness stretching as far as the eye can see. But now, after knowing God, I could take a bullet for a stranger in the hopes that he/she would later become a Christian and be liberated from their sinful nature. The funny thing is that this all happened naturally. When you grow taller and enter puberty, you change often without noticing a difference in yourself. It doesn’t mean that the difference still isn’t there, it just means that you just never notice it. That was similar to my spiritual growth: like a tree. No matter how many people are watering a tree, it will continue to grow at the same pace. The wind blows wherever it pleases. If you trust in God, you will see this spiritual growth as well and you too will become more like God with each passing day. My life is by no definition perfect, but that is the brilliant thing: is that God can not only help you grow in times of joy and pleasure but also of suffering and doubt.

Here is what he did for me: In fifth grade, I was being bullied and picked on a lot and was showing signs of depression. I was having horrible grades and horrible relationships with not only my classmates but my teachers. Combine that with a feeling of disappointment about myself for not being able to make it to another school and you have a recipe for the worst year of my life. It didn’t look like there was much hope left and I was almost certain I would never be able to succeed again. To make things worse, middle school was approaching and my parents were worried that I was not prepared enough to take it on. So, grade school ended and middle school was beginning. I expected to fail, but to my surprise, God did not let that happen that year. In the first year of middle school, I got straight As. That was a miracle of God that I did not expect. The reason I am in front of this podium right now on the fourth of September is because i have decided that it was about time. It was about time that I stopped truly doubting God and strengthen my faith once and for all. Because I know that I already have the faith, knowledge and experience to be baptized, I decided to do it now. Why wait to have the fruits of baptism when you could do it now?

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